Saturday, November 6, 2010

Things that made me laugh this week

1) Conversation with my (12 year old) brother:
Me: hey
Brother: hi
Me: what's up?
B: homework
B: i have to write a story about a guy in the crypts killing the guy in the bloods 
B: you?

2) Received text
Fr: Val
How many ways can you bend your elbow?

3) Received text
Fr: Brittany
1/3: Hey, can you or caity do a spider check down the stairs tonight before you go to bed cause there was a huge outdoor spider down there 
2/3: last night and I don't want to be surprised by it when i come home from work at midnight! Thanks sooooooo much, see u
3/3: later
Fr: Brittany
And I don't say huge lightly, it was at least 2 inches long and really black and I don't think a bug has ever scared me so much before

4) Britt (and Steph's) fear of spiders pt. 2 on facebook:
Brittany hates spiders!!!
- Steph: i know britt, same here! i'll be up for a while if you have another encounter!
- B: caity just had to kill one for me, behind my bed! i mean how dare it come into my bedroom! (hahahahah) and it wasn't little either!

5) and my favourite thing ever:
Marcel the Shell 

Song of the day: White Orchid by The White Stripes 

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